
THE King's Birthday honours list includes the names of the following men of science and others associated with scientific work: Order of Merit—Sir George Grierson, in recognition of his eminent position as an Oriental scholar and of the value to the Empire of his work on Indian languages and dialects. Baron—The Bight Hon. Sir Alfred Mond, Bart., chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. Knights—Dr. J. H. Jeans, secretary of the Royal Society; and Capt. G. H. Wilkins, the distinguished Australian aviator and explorer, who recently flew an aeroplane across the Arctic Ocean from Alaska to Spitsbergen. Companion of Honour—Prof. J. S. Haldane, Director of the Mining Research Laboratory of the University of Birmingham. G.B.E.—Sir John Dewrance, past president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. C.B.E.—Dr. C. H. Lander, Director of Fuel Research, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; and Mr. H. E. Wimperis, Director of Scientific Research, Air Ministry. O.B.E.—Prof. A. V. Bernard, professor of hygiene and preventive medicine in the University of Malta, and Medical Officer of Health, Malta; Mr. R. S. Cooke, Inspector General, Ministry of Auqaf, and Honorary Director of Antiquities, Iraq; Mr. E. R. Sawer, Director of the Department of Agriculture, Palestine; Dr. W. S. Tucker, Director of Acoustics at the Air Defence Experimental Establishment, War Office; and Mr. R. McK. Wood, principal scientific officer, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. M.B.E.—Mr. W. R. Black, assistant principal, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; Dr. J. F. Corson, assistant bacteriologist, Medical and Sanitary Department, Tanganyika Territory; and Mr. G. Maclean, Sleeping Sickness Officer, Medical and Sanitary Department, Tanganyika Territory.

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