
Abstract —We report results of an integrated interpretation of geophysical data (2D CDP seismic acquisition and gravity and magnetic survey) conducted by Gazpromneft Science and Technology Center in the North Wrangel lease block on the East Siberian Sea shelf. The newly obtained geophysical data have allowed us to update the geological model of the sedimentary cover within the North Wrangel lease block, to clarify the limits of the Drem-Khed Trough, to reconstruct the conditions under which sedimentary complexes formed, and to identify possible promising oil and gas accumulation zones. We were able to determine the position of the main stratigraphic unconformities, to propose several approaches to their interpretation, and to identify the clinoform architecture of the Aptian–Albian and Cenozoic complexes within the Drem-Khed Trough. The integrated review of geological and geophysical data has been helpful in refining the framework of the main structures adjoining the trough and predicting the extent of potential reservoirs and oil and gas source rocks throughout the sedimentary cover. The Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic complexes are regarded as oil and gas exploration targets.

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