
The problem of prevention of nosocomial infection is one of the central in the work of medical organizations, and interest in it from clinicians remains high. Nosocomial infection is one of the main causes of death in a hospital setting and significantly increases the risk of death. Nosocomial infections lengthen the time spent in the hospital and increase the material costs of diagnosing and treating the underlying disease. Due to the high prevalence, more and more new methods of prevention of nosocomial infections appear and the existing ones are being improved. The basis of all methods is the observance of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, but the importance of the socio-economic aspect of the policy of medical organizations and institutions is not excluded. Currently, examples of successful preventive measures are hand hygiene, sterilization and disinfection of medical equipment, prevention of environmental pollution, timely disposal of waste, compliance with precautions for isolation and continuous monitoring of data on the spread of nosocomial infections. However, despite significant progress in the study and application of preventive measures in practice, the problem of nosocomial infection remains unresolved. Difficulty for the development of a trend towards a decrease in the incidence of nosocomial infections is the specificity of pathogens and an increase in their resistance. Research and the search for effective, convenient and cost-effective methods and means of prevention of nosocomial infection must continue, as the implementation of programs for prevention and control of infections in the future can reduce the length of hospital stay and avoid other additional costs.

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