
In 2014-2017 in terms of the Republic of Komi conducted a comparative test of two varieties (Saranac and Memory Field) and hybrids (1603-7 and 1657-7) potatoes. The soil of experimental plot is sod-podzolic, light loam, highly cultivated. Agrochemical soil parameters: humus-3,0-4,1%; pH -5,7 – 6,6; P2O5 – 500-595 mg/kg of soil, K2O-130-170 mg/kg of soil. On the sod-podzolic wellcultivated soil, the yield of potato tubers on the 60-65 day from the planting period, on average for 4 years, amounted to 5.1-11.4 t/ha, while the yield of control potato varieties (Luck and Nevsky) was 7.6–9.9 t/ha.The highest yield on the 60-65 day was obtained from hybrid 1657-7 – 11.4 t / ha and exceeded the control varieties by 50.0% and 15.1%, respectively. Varieties of Saranac and Memory Field it was 10.2–8.9 t/ha. 90-95 day, from the date of planting, the average yield of varieties and hybrids of potatoes amounted to 26.2–38,0 t/ha. The highest yields of potato tubers obtained from the hybrid 1657-7 – 38,0 t/ha, a fairly high yield of potatoes was the varieties Saranac – at 33.9 MT/ha and Memory Field – 32.0 t/ha. dry matter content in tubers of potato varieties: Saranac – 21,7 %, P Field 23,4%, in the control potato varieties it was 20.8 and 21.3%. The amount of starch in tubers of potato varieties: Saranac -15,5%, P Field – of 15.6%, control varieties: the Luck of 14.5%, and a budget of 14.5%. According to the content of vitamin C, the best was a hybrid of 1657-12, 5%, in varieties: Zyryanets and P. Polevoy amount of vitamin C was 10.0 and 10.8%, in control varieties: Luck – 9.5%, Nevsky – 14.0%.

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