
This thesis aimed to develop new knowledge and understanding of how the characteristics of professional learning communities (PLCs) affect their everyday functioning through an investigation of teacher learning in schools developing a thinking curriculum centred on the Habits of Mind. The research project focused on two major case studies of schools engaged in the introduction of the Habits of Mind; exploring the structures, systems and dynamics that influenced teacher learning, collaboration and the growth of the PLCs. The research investigated the learning experiences of the teachers and school leaders involved in the PLCs that were established in each setting to support this process. For this reason, within each of these major studies, a number of smaller case studies were also examined, focusing on the individual experiences of these educators. As I was an active participant in the research, through my joint role as researcher and school leader responsible for leading these initiatives in each school, my own experiences are explored alongside those of the other participants in the study. The core characteristics of the PLCs explored included: the evolution of shared vision and mission; sustained action learning and experimentation; shared reflection and the collaborative exploration of mental models; distribution of leadership amongst teachers for action and change; investigation and application of systems thinking; and the development and diversification of professional practice. The findings from the study provided evidence that the characteristics of the PLCs worked to support professional learning in relation to both the Habits of Mind and school improvement in each setting, but found that variables in the implementation of these characteristics, such as leadership support for the vision and mission of the PLC, had a marked impact on the results. The wider adoption of distributed leadership models and consistent engagement with systems thinking approaches within the schools were also found to be highly significant influences upon the efficacy and durability of the PLCs. In addition, the study concluded that teacher inquiry into the Habits of Mind in each setting worked to not only deepen understanding of teaching and learning in relation to the development of effective learning dispositions, but also play an important formative influence on the growth and dynamics of the PLCs themselves. Conclusions and recommendations from the study were made to help inform the further development of PLCs focused on the Habits of Mind, skilful thinking and effective learning dispositions in schools; as well as contributing to understanding of effective models for the professional development of teachers, organizational improvement and school-based, practitioner research.

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