
Let $H=(V,E)$ be an $s$-uniform hypergraph of order $n$ and $k\geq 0$ be an integer. A $k$-independent set $S\subseteq H$ is a set of vertices such that the maximum degree in the hypergraph induced by $S$ is at most $k$. Denoted by $\alpha_k(H)$ the maximum cardinality of the $k$-independent set of $H$. In this paper, we first give a lower bound of $\alpha_k(H)$ by the maximum degree of $H$. Furthermore, we prove that $\alpha_k(H)\geq \frac{s(k+1)n}{2d+s(k+1)}$ where $d$ is average degree of $H$, and $k\geq 0$ is an integer.

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