
New data on the distribution of 37 species are reported. Eleven species are new to Russia: Lithurgus tibialis Morawitz, 1875, Anthidium spiniventre Friese, 1899, Icteranthidium ferrugineum (Fabricius, 1787), Hoplitis carinata (Stanek, 1969), Coelioxys acanthura (Illiger, 1806), C. decipiens (Spinola, 1838), Megachile albonotata Radoszkowski, 1886, M. pyrenaica (Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1841), M. burdigalensis Benoist, 1940, M. flavipes Spinola, 1838, and M. tecta Radoszkowski, 1888. Twenty species are new to the North Caucasus, five species are new to the south of the European part of Russia, and one species, Megachile leucomalla Gerstacker, 1869, is new to the North Caucasus and south of the European part of Russia; the latter species is also reported for the first time from Iran. Hoplitis ravouxi (Perez, 1902) is excluded from the list of the Russian fauna. A nest of H. carinata is described for the first time.

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