
Introduction. The Ames test is the one of the most popular methods for mutagenicity evaluation of environmental factors. In some cases, this method is suggested to be the only and sufficient assay for the first stage of the equivalence assessment of pesticide technical grade active ingredients (TGAI) to the original products. A limitation of the Ames test is related to the impossibility of an objective equivalence assessment of some cytotoxic TGAIs, in particular, sulfonylureas, and triazolpyrimidines. Based on the mode of action of the pesticides belongs to these chemical classes, we suggested a modification of the plate incorporation method protocol of the Ames test to the increase of maximal non-cytotoxic concentration up to the 5 mg/plate recommended by regulatory documents. Materials and methods. The five strains of Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA97, TA102 were used. The modification of the protocol included a supplementation of the top agar with isoleucine (1-5 mM). Results. The maximum non-cytotoxic concentrations of thifensulfuron-methyl and florasulam using the standard top agar did not exceed 0.05-0.125 mg/plate. The enrichment of the top agar with isoleucine allowed evaluating the mutagenicity of the substances up to the maximal recommended concentration of 5.0 mg/plate. The number of spontaneous revertants was within the historical limits of the laboratory control obtained under standard conditions. Positive controls showed pronounced mutagenic effects in case of all strains with and without metabolic activation (p≤0.05). Limitations. Mutagenicity was evaluated only for TGAIs, which are acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors. Conclusion. The application of the modified Ames test protocol for mutagenicity assessment of TGAIs from the classes of sulfonylureas and triazolpyrimidines under supplementation of the top agar with isoleucine is a more objective way to evaluate their mutagenicity. The proposed protocol expands the possibilities of revealing dangerous mutagenic impurities that may occur in TGAIs in the small quantities, and after entering the environment can cause the gain in the mutation level in living organisms.

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