
NEW POSSIBILITIES OF MULTIMODAL CORRECTION OF DISORDERS OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS IN ELDERLY PERSONS Victor V. Kuznetsov, Serhiy H. Burchynskyi, Kostiantyn O. Apykhtin D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 67 Vyshgorodska Str., Kyiv 04114, Ukraine Introduction. The increase in the share of elderly and senile people in the population adds urgency to the problems of various forms of cognitive dysfunction and closely related psycho-emotional disorders and disorders of cerebral circulation. Real success in solving these problems is possible only with the application of therapeutic effects at the earliest possible stage of the disease, as well as with the possibility of implementing a pharmacological prophylactic approach. At the root of the weakening of cognitive functions is a violation of the neurotransmitter balance in the brain. An effective way to prevent it is the use of nootropics. Nootropics affect the biosynthetic energy, neurotransmitter processes in the brain, the blood supply to the brain by exerting a protective effect on the vascular wall, inhibiting the thrombus formation reaction, normalizing blood viscosity, etc. The drug MemoProve is a unique combination of neurotropic peptone polypeptides (N-PEP-12), which is able to reproduce the effects of natural neurotrophic factors in the central nervous system (NGF), as well as improve cholinergic neuromediation by activating the main enzyme of acetylcholine biosynthesis – choline acetyltransferase. The aim is comprehensive analysis of the effect of a course of MemoProve on the psycho-emotional state, the structure of the state of bioelectrical activity of the brain, and the state of cerebral blood circulation in the elderly. Materials and Methods. A comprehensive clinical and instrumental examination of 20 elderly patients (average age 68.2 ± 3.2 years) with initial manifestations of dyscirculatory atherosclerotic encephalopathy was conducted. Before conducting an analysis of the effect of course (1 month) use of MemoProve on the functional state of the brain in elderly patients, an EEG study was conducted before and 24 hours after taking 2 tablets of the drug in order to determine the sensitivity of the brain to MemoProve. Results and conclusions. Three variants of the EEG reaction to MemoProve were identified. Common to these options is an increase in the total power of electrogenesis of the brain (by 15-25 %), an increase in the frequency of the -rhythm – the main, basic rhythm of the EEG. The type of influence of MemoProve on the power of slow rhythms (delta, theta) has features depending on the EEG variant. In elderly patients, MemoProve caused an increase in the linear systolic blood flow velocity in the two middle cerebral arteries, the vertebral arteries and the main artery. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the effect of course therapy of MemoProve indicate its positive effect on the functional state of the brain (in terms of emotional and cognitive indicators, bioelectrical activity of the brain, the state of cerebral hemodynamics) in elderly people and give grounds for recommending MemoProve for use in the system of geriatric pharmacological correction of emotional and cognitive processes. Keywords: cognitive dysfunction, neurotransmitter balance, nootropics, peptone polypeptides, MemoProve, EEG.

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