
During the benthic foraminiferal surveys conducted on the Aegean coasts of Turkey between 2012-2015, new alien species have been observed. These were either recent introductions, such as Cornuspiroides striolatus (Brady), Nodobaculariella cristobalensis McCulloch, N. galapagosensis McCulloch, Pseudonodosaria discreta (Reuss), Polymorphina fistulosa (Cushman) or south to north range expansions of the species previously known to inhabit Levant Basin, Cyclorbiculina compressa (d’Orbigny). Besides, Amphistegina lobifera Larsen which has been known to inhabit Kuşadası Bay and nothwestern coasts of Karaburun Peninsula has also been abundantly observed around Doğanbey Bay. Warm submarine springs are suggested to be the main cause of these thermophilic species to settle and form stable populations on the Aegean cost of Turkey. On the other hand salinity variations may also help to the spreading of these aliens. Thus, it is suggested that new introductions may follow in the near future.

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