
Sixty-five new vibronic levels of the Na2 43g+ state have been observed in the 3390035200 cm1 energy region above the potential minimum of the ground state by pulsed perturbation facilitated opticaloptical double resonance (PFOODR) fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. These new data fill the gap between the low-v levels mainly observed by continuous wave (CW) PFOODR spectroscopy and the high-v levels above the 3s + 3d limit observed by pulsed PFOODR with predissociation detection. Molecular constants are fitted below potential shelf around the 3s + 3d atomic limit with previously published data (mainly observed by CW PFOODR) and these new data. RKR potential curve has been calculated with the new constants. The constants are: Te = 32127.090 cm1; e = 121.4099(0.20720) cm1; Be = 0.116287(0.0002300) cm1; Re = 3.551 A. An error of the RKR potential curve of J. Chem. Phys. 108, 7707 (1998) is corrected.

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