
The article summarizes the results of research on the use of new enzyme preparations with pectolytic action for pigs feeding, i.e. multienzymatic compositions MEC-1–MEC-5 and Matseraza. Studies have shown that Matseraza and multienzymatic compositions have a high digestion activity of the food constituent portions in vitro. They also significantly increase the activity of the mucous membrane of the 12-rectum enzymes, i.e. protease, dipeptidases, amylase, lipase and do not affect the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatases. The use of biologically active feed supplements for young pigs feeding improves digestibility of most diets nutrients and causes the better absorption of feed nitrogen by the body. The positive effect of feed additives on metabolic processes, their ability to stimulate the structure development of some organs of the digestive and endocrine systems have been proved. It causes animals growth by intensifying the functions of individual organs and systems due to morphofunctional changes. It is a confirmation of one of the working hypotheses on accelerating animals ontogenesis by paratypic factors. It was proved that feeding of preparations as a part of barley, wheat, corn and soybean meal diet of pregnant sows had a positive effect on reproductive properties, increased the growth of piglets, fattening and slaughtering qualities of young animals, digestibility of nutrients and absorption of nitrogen. It is recommended to enrich the cereal diets of pigs with enzyme preparations MEC-1 - MEC-5 in the amount of 0.75 kg per ton of grain and Matseraza in the amount of 0.4-0.5 kg per ton. The results of research have been introduced at pork farms of the Vinnytsia region. Specified conditions have been developed and approved for the tested feed additives.

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