
Based on the thinking that the Federal Reserve interest rate hike is coming to an end and the risk-free interest rate of the US dollar is getting higher and higher, the investment opportunities of US stocks in the post-epidemic era are in the new energy field. Coal and natural gas have been the top spot for the U. S. energy market for more than 20 years. Now, the energy battlefield is shifting, and in the next decade, renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy, will dominate in the future. In 2022, the capital market ushered in the Federal Reserve's tight monetary policy, and the market value of new energy stocks plunged. However, some scholars believe that if there is no large-scale war in the next decade, the general direction of the capital market investment is new energy, such as the photovoltaic industry, wind power industry and so on. This paper calculates the statistics of 20 listed 20 new energy companies from 2015 to 2021, and analyzes the multiple financial ratios of each company, compare good companies and general performance of the financial ratio of variance and average, using Mahalanobis Distance analysis of investors choose which financial ratio about the choice of good future investment value about the company is of great significance.

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