
The lower Mesozoic of the Traras mount starts with the so-called Red Series, which lays uncomformably on the folded and granitized Paleozoic basement. This series is overlain by Middle Liassic limestones. On the basis of its lower and upper limits and the lack of dating evidence, former authors attribute a Permian to lower Liassic (Sinemurian) age for this series. Palynological results allow to range it in the upper Triassic probably Norian-Rhetian. The Red Series is studied from five sections that depict important thickness and facies variations from southwest to the northeast, inferring the irregularities of the Hercynian erosional surface. In the Central Traras, this series shows over 130-m-thick micaceous sandy conglomeratic units, deposited within alluvial fans, where the bedrock source corresponds to granite of Nedroma or its equivalent. In the southern and eastern Traras, where the series’ thickness respectively does not exceed 30 m and averages 40–80 m, besides alluvial deposits issued from hercynian basement erosion, it exhibits volcanic evidences interbedded by lacustrine deposits. Vertical and spatial distribution depicts synsedimentary infilling of narrow elongated rift basins, typically half-grabens, bounded on one side by a normal fault or a series of normal faults trending NNE-SSW to NW-SE, inherited from the hercynian event. The study of tectonostratigraphic units permitted to put forward geodynamics of the infilling basins.

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