
The Triassic deposits of Cerro Puntudo in the San Juan province of western Argentina constitute the northernmost exposures of the northern portion of the nonmarine Cuyo rift basin, also known as the Las Peñas-Tamberías half-graben. The local column, with an exposed thickness of approximately 400 m, consists of abundant basal and topmost coarse alluvial fan conglomerates and breccias (facies associations I and II) and a relatively thin (approximately 50 m) intervening sequence of marginal, shallow lacustrine deposits characterized by stromatolitic (domal) limestones, tuffaceous mudstones, and fine-grained sandstones (facies association III). Subaerial exposure in the lacustrine deposits is evidenced by desiccation cracks and brecciation. A very thin (0–6 m), laterally, discontinuous succession of lacustrine deposits with similar characteristics is interbedded with the basal conglomerates. Laterally, this lacustrine interval was eroded by overlying conglomerates. The basal conglomerates commonly show crude normal grading, faint cross-bedding, and b-axis clast imbrication. The predominance of coarse deposits and paleocurrents from NW to SE, indicative of an axial flow pattern, suggest that these exposures correspond to the northern end of the Cuyo basin, which is characterized by a shallow, alluvial fan-encased, carbonate-rich lake margin. This lacustrine interval can be correlated with the thicker lacustrine section exposed to the south at Quebrada del Tigre and Ciénaga Larga along the border fault margin of a nonmarine half-graben. The correlation with these sections suggests that the Cerro Puntudo lacustrine deposits are the shallowest equivalent of more profundal, organic-rich lacustrine sediments exposed in the deepest segment of the border fault margin. These thickness and facies variations are the result of differential subsidence along the border fault margin between the low accommodation, fault tip end represented by the Cerro Puntudo section and the high accommodation, central segment located to the south.

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