
We live in an era where people should be more aware of pollution and its consequences. The present paper reveals a way protecting the environment while producing high quality concrete. What make this type of concrete environmentally friendly are the recycled aggregates in the concrete composition amongst with eliminating the ecological impact by saving large amounts of natural aggregates resources. Recycling concrete comes with many other advantages that lead to waste reduction, economy in waste transportation and storage taxes, which are becoming increasingly expensive. This research is based on mix design and experimental tests carried out on C20/25 strength class concrete with uncontaminated leftover concrete aggregates (LCAgg). It reveals favorable results in order to militate for recycled concrete aggregate uses in regular concrete strength classes respectively for common structural elements, mainly for slabs. River sand (0/4 mm) and coarse aggregates (4/8 mm and 8/16 mm): natural sources or recycled concrete type-alternatively used in several mixes-were utilized in concrete mixes.

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