
In this work we calculate important one loop SUSY-breaking parameters in models with Dirac gauginos, which are implied by the existence of heavy messenger fields. We find that these SUSY-breaking effects are all related by a small number of parameters, thus the general theory is tightly predictive. In order to make the most accurate analyses of one loop effects, we introduce calculations using an expansion in SUSY breaking messenger mass, rather than relying on postulating the forms of effective operators. We use this expansion to calculate one loop contributions to gaugino masses, non-holomorphic SM adjoint masses, new A-like and B-like terms, and linear terms. We also test the Higgs potential in such models, and calculate one loop contributions to the Higgs mass in certain limits of R-symmetric models, finding a very large contribution in many regions of the , where Higgs fields couple to standard model adjoint fields.


  • LHC’s first run [5]

  • We have presented a formalism for calculating general one-loop SUSY breaking parameters that arise in models with Dirac gauginos

  • We have studied models which are completed with a messenger sector, where messengers are charged under the standard model gauge groups as well a hidden sector U(1)

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High energy models

In order to shed light on operators which result from effects of messengers, we will give a simple example of a SUSY breaking sector where messengers develop a D-term mass. SUSY breaking is communicated to the visible sector through the addition of a set of messengers, φ and φin the fundamental representation of the SM gauge groups and charged under the U(1). We note that the messenger fields, φ and φ, have only gauge interactions with the hidden sector and no direct F-term spurion coupling. They receive R-preserving nonholomorphic SUSY breaking masses through the non-zero U(1) D-term. This messenger sector preserves a messenger parity, that is, the superpotential is symmetric under the interchange φ → φ. More discussion of a general messenger sector can be found in the appendix

Adjoint masses
Messenger propagators and SUSY-breaking power expansion
Tree level
Calculating and minimizing the scalar potential
A Loop contributions in models with general messenger sectors
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