
Better‐Speech Tear: a Bulletin of Speech Education for Teachers in Secondary Schools. Glenn N. Merry, Editor. National Council of Teachers of English, 506 West 69th Street, Chicago. 1924. 67 pp. Edward Everett, Orator and Statesman. By Paul Revere Frothingham. Boston and New York. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1925. pp. 495. Edmund Burke; A Historical Study. By John Morley. New York. Alfred A. Knopf. 1924. 255 pages. M. Fabii Quintiliani, Institutionis Oratoriae, Liber I, Edited with Introduction and Commentary. By P. H. Colson. Cambridge, 1924. Lucian, with an English translation. By A. H. Harmon. Vol. IV. Loeb Classical Library. New York. Putnam's, 1925. A Study in Alcidamas and his Relation to Contemporary Sophistic. By Marjorie J. Milne. Bryn Mawr, 1924. St. Augustine, the Orator, a study of the rhetorical qualities of St. Augustine's Sermones ad Populum. By Sister M. Inviolata Barry. The Catholic University of America, 1924. Euphon English in America. By M. E. DeWitt. E. P. Button and Go. Pp. xviii + 176. American Pronunciation. A text‐book of phonetics for students in English. By John Samuel Kenyon. George Wahr, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1924. Pp. vii & 200. Public Speaking for Business Men. By Sidney F. Wicks. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. 1925. Printed in England. Short Plays from American History and Literature. For Classroom Use. By Olive M. Price. New York. Samuel French. 1925. The Public Life. By J. A. Spender. New York. Stokes. 1925.

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