We report two new three-dimensionally phosphatized microfossils, Cambrolongispina reticulata gen. et sp. nov. and Cambrolongispina glabra gen. et sp. nov., from the middle Cambrian (Series 3, Drumian Stage) at Wangcun, Yongshun County, western Hunan, South China. They are bivalved arthropods, with thin, pliable, originally chitinous or chitin-calcareous shields (c. 350–517 μ m long). The shields are equipped with a pair of antero-dorsal spines. The spines are internally hollow, varying in length from 1/2 of to as long as the shield length in C. reticulata, and uniformly longer than the shield length in C. glabra. The spines of C. reticulata are ornamented with a longitudinal row of conical or blade-shaped denticles along the posterior edge. Cambrolongispina lacks marginal rims, valve lobation and sulci which are diagnostic of the Bradoriida sensu stricto. It also lacks a doublure/duplicature characteristic of phosphatocopids and some bradoriids. It could be related to the Monasteriidae (which may belong to Bradoriida sensu lato), both characterized by a pair of antero-dorsal spines. Cambrolongispina may have been meiofaunal detritus feeders that lived on or within sediments. The antero-dorsal spines may have been sensory organs to detect nearby predators. The posterior denticles on these spines might have facilitated the sensory function of the spines.
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