
We investigate the new agegraphic dark energy scenario in auniverse governed by Hořava-Lifshitz gravity. We consider boththe detailed and non-detailed balanced version of the theory, weimpose an arbitrary curvature, and we allow for an interactionbetween the matter and dark energy sectors. Extracting thedifferential equation for the evolution of the dark energy densityparameter and performing an expansion of the dark energyequation-of-state parameter, we calculate its present and itslow-redshift value as functions of the dark energy and curvaturedensity parameters at present, of the Hořava-Lifshitz runningparameter λ, of the new agegraphic dark energy parametern, and of the interaction coupling b. We find thatw0 = −0.82+0.08−0.08 and w1 = 0.08+0.09−0.07.Although this analysis indicates that the scenario can becompatible with observations, it does not enlighten the discussionabout the possible conceptual and theoretical problems ofHořava-Lifshitz gravity.

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