
The knowledge of neutron reflection coefficients is of practical interest when projecting the shielding of radiotherapy rooms, since it is known that about 75% of the neutrons at the maze entrance of these rooms are scattered neutrons. In a previous paper, the energy spectra of photoneutrons were calculated, when reflected by ordinary, high-density concrete and wood barriers, using the MCNP5 code, considering normal incidence and neutron incident energies varying between 0.1 and 10 MeV. It was found that the mean energy of the reflected neutrons does not depend on the reflection angle and that these mean energies are lower in wood and barytes concrete, compared with ordinary concrete. In the present work, the simulation of neutron reflection coefficients were completed, considering the case when these particles do not collide frontally with the barriers, which constitute the radiotherapy room walls. Some simulations were also made to evaluate how neutron equivalent doses at the position of the room door is affected when the maze walls are lined with neutron absorbing materials, such as wood itself or borated polyethylene. Finally, capture gamma rays dose at the entrance of rooms with different maze lengths were also simulated. The results were discussed in the light of the albedo concepts presented in the literature and some of these results were confronted with others, finding good agreement between them.

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