
The effects of thermal neutron-irradiation in the neutron fluence range of (1.77–7.08) 1011 n/cm2, on the etching and optical characteristics of diethylene glycol bis allyl carbonate (dioctyl phthalate doped), CR-39 (DOP) nuclear track detector have been studied using etching and UV–visible spectroscopic techniques. The bulk etch rates determined at different fluences were found to increase with an increase in neutron fluence up to 3.54 × 1011 n/cm2, and then decrease at higher neutron fluence. The optical absorption spectra in the wavelength range of 200–800 nm were also recorded for the unirradiated and neutron irradiated samples in the above fluence range. The optical energy gaps (E g) were determined by the shift in optical absorption edges as observed by UV–visible spectra of the neutron irradiated sample, using Tauc’s expression. The UV–visible spectra results were further supported by determining the activation energies for bulk etching.

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