
The measurement of the polarisation of neutron beams is greatly facilitated by the magnetic precession technique, in which a reversal of the polarisation vector is achieved by allowing the neutrons to precess about a suitable magnetic field. However, in general, a depolarisation of the beam occurs because of unwanted magnetic field components. We have studied the behaviour of a 100% polarised beam of classical non-relativistic neutrons which pass through the bore of a simple solenoid. The amount of the depolarisation was calculated for several geometries by following in detail the motion of the neutron spin vector. Assuming the beam fills the bore of the solenoid and considering only trajectories parallel to the solenoid axis, it was found that a beam depolarisation of 1% occurs for a solenoid length-to-radius ratio of 10. However, if the length equals the radius, the depolarisation is 21%.

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