
A new component searching with scalar restriction method (CSSRM) is proposed for magnetometer to compensate magnetic interferential field caused by ferromagnetic material of platform and improve measurement performance. In CSSRM, the objection function for parameter estimation is to minimize magnetic field (components and magnitude) difference between its measurement value and reference value. Two scalar compensation method is compared with CSSRM and the simulation results indicate that CSSRM can estimate all interferential parameters and external magnetic field vector with high accuracy. The magnetic field magnitude and components, compensated with CSSRM, coincide with true value very well. Experiment is carried out for a tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer, mounted in a measurement system with inertial sensors together. After compensation, error standard deviation of both magnetic field components and magnitude are reduced from more than thousands nT to less than 20nT. It suggests that CSSRM provides an effective way to improve performance of magnetic interferential field compensation.

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