
The scientific paper presents studies of the radiation-protective features of a polymer composite material for protection against space radiation based on poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene, Bi2O3 bismuth oxide, WC tungsten carbide, B4C boron carbide, TiH1.7 titanium hydride shot. The composite provides for a high degree of protection against ionizing radiation, including protection against exposure to secondary neutrons: macroscopic fast neutrons removal cross-section (E > 2 MeV) 0.1331–0.1414 cm−1, thermal-velocity neutrons removal cross-section (E < 0.4 eV), cm−1 0.1183–0.1257 cm−1. A shield made of the tailored composition of the proposed 6 cm thick polymer composite attenuates the intensity of neutron radiation by more than 50 % at energies from 0.1 to 5 MeV, in particular, the greatest attenuation of the neutron radiation intensity occurs at an energy of 0.1 MeV with a sharp increase in attenuation when passing through a 2 cm thick shield and complete absorption occurs passing through a 6 cm thick shield. This material can be used to protect astronauts and radio-electronic equipment from the effects of adverse or harmful space factors, including exposure to secondary neutrons, and this material can also be used to protect crews of ships with mobile nuclear reactors such as atomic submarines and nuclear-powered icebreakers.

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