
(Listing chapter headings). Preface. List of Authors. Chapter 1. Present concepts of oculumotor organization (U. BUttner and J.A. Buttner-Ennever). 1. Introduction. 2. Saccades. 3. Vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR). 4. Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM). 5. Optokinetic response. 6. Vergence eye movements. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations. References. Chapter 2. Structural organization of the extraocular muscles (R.F. Spencer and J.D. Porter). 1. Introduction. 2. Gross anatomy of the extraocular muscles. 3. Embryological origin of the extraocular muscles. 4. Microscopic anatomy of the extraocular muscles. 5. Prenatal and postnatal development of the extraocular muscles. 6. Denervation of the extraocular muscles. 7. Comment. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations. References. Chapter 3. Extraocular motor nuclei: location, morphology and afferents (C. Evinger). 1. Organization of extraocular motor nuclei. 2. Morphology of extraocular motoneurons. 3. Afferents to the extraocular motor nuclei. 4. Summary. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations. References. Chapter 4. The reticular formation (J.A. BUttner-Ennever and U. Buttner). 1. Introduction. 2. Subdivisions, nomenclature and cytoarchitecture. 3. Afferent connections. 4. Efferent connections. 5. Stimulation, lesion and clinical studies. 6. Discussion. Abbreviations. Acknowledgements. References. Chapter 5. The anatomy of the vestibular nuclei (S.M. Highstein and R.A. McCrea). 1. Introduction. 2. The anatomy of the vestibular nerve and nuclei. 3. VOR pathways and collaterals of VOR neurons. 4. Organization of VOR pathways. 5. Physiological signals transmitted by secondary vestibular neurons. References. Chapter 6. The nucleus prepositus (R.A. McCrea). 1. Introduction. 2. Cytoarchitecture of the prepositus. 3. Morphology of PH neurons. 4. Afferent projections to the PH. 5. Efferent projections of the PH to the cerebellum. 6. Efferent projections of the PH to the brainstem. 7. Functional significance of PH efferent connections. 8. The PH as an efference copy center. References. Chapter 7. Cerebullum (R.H.I. Blanks). 1. Introduction. 2. Anatomy of the cerebellum. 3. Afferent connections. 4. Efferent connections. 5. Functional considerations. Abbreviations. References. Chapter 8. Gaze control through superior colliculus: structure and function (R. Grantyn). 1. Introduction. 2. Structural aspects of collicular function in gaze control. 3. Intrinsic organization of the colliculus superior. 4. Sources and routes of sensory input to efferent neurons in the deep superior colliculus. 5. Nigral afferents. 6. Cerebellar afferents. 7. Afferents from cortical eye fields. 8. Collateral patterns and termination sites of neurons projecting into the tecto-reticulo-spinal tract. 9. Concluding remarks. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations. References. Chapter 9. The pretectal nuclear complex and the accessory optic system (J.I. Simpson, R.A. Giolli and R.H.I. Blanks). 1. Introduction. 2. the pretectal nuclear complex. 3.

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