
With changing diagnostic criteria and autism terminology from 1994 to 2013, those who would have been diagnosed with what was previously termed Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) or High Functioning Autism (HFA) have been entering into dating and longterm relationships and marriages. Meanwhile many on the autism spectrum slipped through the diagnostic cracks and were missed for decades as autism diagnosis rates continue to rise. Many adults on the autism spectrum who are not diagnosed or identified are showing up in marriage therapy with their spouse with complex marital dynamics and unresolved issues producing confusion in the person, their spouse and even many marriage therapists or pastoral counselors. This type of couple where at least one spouse is on the autism spectrum is now referred to as a Neurodiverse Couple (NDC). Further marginalized in research are people of faith who are in a neurodiverse relationship, referred to as Neurodiverse Christian Couples (NDCC), and pastors, chaplains, marriage coaches and Christian and Biblical counselors remain unaware, unequipped, and unprepared to help these couples with their complex relationships which is adding to the challenges of trauma the couple is experiencing.

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