
Spatial attention enables us to focus visual processing toward specific locations or stimuli before the next fixation. Recent evidence has suggested that local luminance at the spatial locus of attention or saccade preparation influences pupil size independent of global luminance levels. However, it remains to be determined which neural pathways produce this location-specific modulation of pupil size. The intermediate layers of the midbrain superior colliculus (SC) form part of the network of brain areas involved in spatial attention and modulation of pupil size. Here, we demonstrated that pupil size was altered according to local luminance level at the spatial location corresponding to a microstimulated location in the intermediate SC (SCi) map of monkeys. Moreover, local SCi inactivation through injection of lidocaine reversed this local luminance modulation. Our findings reveal a causal role of the SCi in preparing pupil size for local luminance conditions at the next saccadic goal.

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