
Unawareness of a deficit, anosognosia, can occur for visual or motor deficits and lends insight into awareness itself; however, lesions associated with anosognosia occur in many different brain locations. We analyzed 267 lesion locations associated with either vision loss (with and without awareness) or weakness (with and without awareness). The network of brain regions connected to each lesion location was computed using resting-state functional connectivity from 1,000 healthy subjects. Both domain specific and cross-modal associations with awareness were identified. The domain-specific network for visual anosognosia demonstrated connectivity to visual association cortex and posterior cingulate while motor anosognosia was defined by insula, supplementary motor area, and anterior cingulate connectivity. A cross-modal anosognosia network was defined by connectivity to the hippocampus and precuneus (false discovery rate p < 0.05). Our results identify distinct network connections associated with visual and motor anosognosia and a shared, cross-modal network for awareness of deficits centered on memory-related brain structures. ANN NEUROL 2023;94:434-441.

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