The robust and complex real-time applications and dramatically increased sensor capabilities may play a vital role in enhancing the lifespan of WSNs. On the other hand majority of WSNs operate on battery powered infrastructure, therefore in order to enhance the lifespan maximization a robust and highly efficient protocols are required to be developed that can effectively minimize the battery utilization and the overall computational as well as communication complexity also could be minimized. Optimizations required to be adopted at the Routing Layer, MAC Layer and the Radio Layer of the wireless sensor node. In this paper in order to achieve a better network performance an scheme of elephant swarm optimization has been implemented which enables optimization of routing algorithm, adaptive radio link optimization and balanced TDMA MAC scheduling. The proposed Elephant Based Swarm Optimization scheme is analyzed and compared with the popular LEACH and PSO Protocols and results proves that the EBSO algorithm is the best among PSO and LEACH schemes. Keywords: Active node ratio, Cross-layer design, Elephant Based Swarm Optimization (EBSO), LEACH, Network lifespan, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).
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