
Introduction. Diagnostics of social identification strategies in social groups of various types has not lost its relevance for many decades. In modern conditions, the discussion and development of the methodology and methods of applied diagnostics of identification strategies in small and large social groups receives a new direction of development, thanks to the development of the theory and practice of network methods. This is due to the fact that two multidirectional processes are simultaneously developing in a network society: on the one hand, globalization, which integrates the values of people of various social entities, and, on the other hand, differentiation, dividing the society into many social groups –-social networks, striving to preserve their values and differences. Under these conditions, network diagnosis of identification strategies has several advantages.Methodology and sources. The research methodology for network diagnostics of identification strategies in social groups is formed from a combination of theoretical principles and methodological procedures that combine the advantages of a number of sociological theories: firstly, theories that consider social groups as an object of direct research; secondly, theories, which show the role and importance of identification strategies that influence the success of social identification; thirdly, theories that show the methodological principles and approaches to the formation of technologies for network diagnostics of identification strategies.Results and discussion. Network diagnostics of identification strategies is built as a set of principles and research technologies aimed at collecting and analyzing information about the goals, means and results of mastering patterns of behavior and imitation by members of social groups. Its object is the social mechanism for determining the direction and use of means of mastering standards, assigning these standards and forming behaviors that integrate and include the individual in social groups, achieving on this basis a unifyingcommon, allowing to correlate, compare and unite with groups - to achieve identity. Network diagnostics, formed on the basis of the study of values, involves the study of identification strategies as a process that can be organized in different ways. In the most general sense, these strategies are formed as conscious or unconscious standards, goals and actions leading to the result – identification. Identification strategies in a social group may differ in direction with identification strategies that are proclaimed by organizations within which, for example, small groups appear. These strategies may also differ in the goals and benchmarks of large social groups.Conclusion. There are discusses the theoretical foundations of constructing network diagnostics of identification strategies in the paper, also it contents the empirical experience of using such a technique. A modern networked society is formed as countless small groups arising on a common basis. Network identification diagnostics has several advantages of studying the standards of unity, which allows a purposeful and planned study of the success of identification in social groups.


  • Diagnostics of social identification strategies in social groups of various types has not lost its relevance for many decades

  • The discussion and development of the methodology and methods of applied diagnostics of identification strategies in small and large social groups receives a new direction of development, thanks to the development of the theory and practice of network methods

  • The research methodology for network diagnostics of identification strategies in social groups is formed from a combination of theoretical principles and methodological procedures that combine the advantages of a number of sociological theories: firstly, theories that consider social groups as an object of direct research; secondly, theories, which show the role and importance of identification strategies that influence the success of social identification; thirdly, theories that show the methodological principles and approaches to the formation of technologies for network diagnostics of identification strategies

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Социология Sociology

Сетевая диагностика стратегий идентификации выстраивается как совокупность принципов и технологий исследования, направленных на сбор и анализ информации о целях, средствах и результатах освоения членами социальных групп образцов поведения и подражания. Сетевая диагностика нацелена на изучение ценностей, предполагает изучение стратегий идентификации как процесса, который может быть организован по-разному. Стратегии идентификации в социальной организации могут отличаться по направленности от стратегий идентификации, провозглашенных организациями, в рамках которых складываются, например, малые группы. Эти стратегии также могут отличаться по целям и эталонам от целей и эталонов больших социальных групп. Сетевая диагностика идентификации обладает рядом преимуществ изучения эталонов единства, что позволяет целенаправленно и планово изучать успешность идентификации в социальных организациях. Ключевые слова: сетевая диагностика, ценности, идентификация, эталоны, стратегии идентификации. А. Сетевая диагностика стратегий идентификации в организации: методика и опыт пилотажного исследования // ДИСКУРС. О конфликте интересов, связанном с данной публикацией, не сообщалось.

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