
As big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are more and more getting into society, people are beginning to ask for predictions in all fields to make prevention. With the technological improvements, the stock market has become more and more predictable as compared to before. The finance field, especially the stock market field, was being put on for making predictions. This paper evaluates the pros and cons, accuracy, and precision when making predictions using the ARIMA model and the Linear Regression model on Netflix stock price trends. The result shows that both models perform moderately. From that, this paper also found that the Linear Regression Model seems to be performing better in the short term and the ARIMA model predicted that it might perform better in the term of long term. This paper proved that these models could play a role in the field of finance but are still restricted to the dataset’s size and the application of the model. Hopefully, this paper will find well to finance related members, give and inspire some advice to them.

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