
Surgery remains the only one way of treatment for inguinal hernias. The frequency of inguinal hernioplasty ranks third place among all operations, accounting for 10-15%. Hundreds of thousands of inguinal hernia surgeries are performed annually in Ukraine, but the results of treatment cannot be considered satisfactory yet. Using of allografts has reduced the number of recurrences of hernias to 3-9%. Method I. L. Lichtenstein became the «gold standard» for inguinal hernia alloplasty. However, inguinal allohernioplasty has a certain percentage of specifi c complications, including circulatory disorders in the testicle, which leads to infertility. In order to study the histological changes of the testicle due to the contact of the spermatic cord with the mesh implant, an experimental study was conducted, which included 38 adult male rabbits. To study the anatomical features of rabbits and control the initial histological parameters, 10 intact animals were operated. In 28 animals, the contact between the spermatic cord and the implant was simulated.Analyzing the obtained experimental data, it should be noted that the animals of the experimental group developed signifi cant circulatory disorders in the testicle, which led to impaired spermatogenesis at all times of observation, as evidenced by the dynamics of the layers of spermatogenic epithelium: 4.0±0.27-7 days, 1.8±0.22-21 days, 8.9±0.22-42 days and 6.8±0.34-90 days. The development of progressive sclerosis and hyalinosis in testicular tissues on days 42 and 90 of the experiment was also revealed, as evidenced by the dynamics of the relative amount of connective tissue stroma of the testis from 16.1±0.81% on day 7 to 19.5±1.03% on day 90 experiment. This is confi rmed by signifi cant changes in the diameter of the tortuous seminal vesicles – from 197.3±3.79 μm at the beginning of the study to 156.1±4.51 μm at the end of the experiment.

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