
Within this article the need and possibilities of supervision to medical staff for their professional well-being are analysed. Case of supervision to medical staff in Lithuania is discussed using critical reflection. In health care professions, same as in other helping professions, burnouts, tensions, incertitude and existential anxiety may arise among the staff. Thus, conflicts may arise over social interactions at work. Critical reflection methodology, used in this research, revealed that medical staff does not yet identify the supervision as a potential mean of their professional support. Notwithstanding, the open dialogue, enabled by the process of supervision, demonstrated the lack of collaborative culture and culture of silence in healthcare work environments. Medical staff may be anchored to the long-established attitudes and beliefs of their organization, also they may face frustrations with regard to an open dialogue on the matters of their work, since they may feel rather disempowered for making substantial changes in their work. Medical staff may also face frustrations of leaving the so-called comfort zone and helpless when facing healthcare system barriers. Within this article, the need for support to medical staff through professional supervision is highlighted. The experience of the supervision in which an equal and dialogical relation is promoted, may be extrapolated to collegial relation in the organization. Supervision may also encourage the participants to leave the victim role and to acquire a constructive voice in professional relation. Thus, the supervision, in providing room for dialogue and reflection on professional relation, may be a great an opportunity for roles’ transformation of participants for constructive dialogues and organizational culture. Supervision contains the great potential to develop health system transformations through promoting dialogical professional relation and enrichment of professional identity of medical staff. Supervision might be a powerful support to medical staff in particularly critical situations such as engendered by COVID-19. The inter-institutional collaboration between associations of supervisors and medical staff is recommended, with the participation of representatives of health care institutions and universities.

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