
The seniors needs is important social problem, because they are individual and depend on age, economic, family and social situation. Some needs appear to a greater extent and others to a lesser intensity, therefore, in this period of life, they require the use of appropriate actions and strategies (e.g. in the field of senior policy).The presented results are part of a larger research project on the sense of life satisfaction of the elderly. The aim of which was to explore the life satisfaction of seniors-students of the Universities of the Third Age in the context of its determinants and present the factors creating and differentiating the satisfaction with life of seniors. The subject of the research was the sense of life satisfaction of students of universities of the third age. The research was conducted on the basis of a quantitative research model and survey research. Data were collected using survey questionnaire. The research made it possible to draw several important conclusions. The most satisfied needs in the opinion of seniors are: the need for security, the need for belonging and love, and physiological needs. The less satified needs are the need for self-actualization and the need for respect and recognition. The importnat issue is supporting the satisfaction of the need for self-realization and the need for respect and recognition by including seniors in the participation of the younger generations in the family space. It is also important to use an individual approach to the needs of older people, which is expressed in emphasizing diversity from the point of view of social, health and economic characteristics, which will help such people to be open to active forms of spending time, open to social contacts and to benefit from every moment of their lives.The diagnosis of the seniors needs in the area of scientific research is valuable information for educators, representatives of social services and people developing a strategy for social policy activities. This is because they indicate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the elderly population and the areas of functioning of individuals that require strengthening. On the other hand, for social politicians, they indicate important and strategic goals of activities contributing to the shaping of conditions for dignified and healthy ageing. Overall, the actions taken will contribute to improving the satisfaction with life of seniors.

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