
Abstract Identifying the producer’s needs and challenges is the first step to understanding what types of programs will benefit producers the greatest. In the cattle industry, participation in calf preconditioning programs have slowly increased over the last two decades as more sellers and buyers recognize the economic benefits. However, for a seller to receive maximum benefit when marketing their cattle requires planning and an understanding of the components that go into a preconditioning program. Surveys are a practical way to gain useful information to develop programming to educate on developing preconditioning protocols that best fits their operation. Following the 2019 Oklahoma Quality Beef Network (OQBN) VAC45 fall certified sales, a survey was distributed electronically and by postal mail to participating cattle producers. The survey examined a number of aspects associated with preconditioning calves, management practices, operation size, demographics, and obstacles producers face when preconditioning calves. Participation rate was approximately 56% out of the 126 OQBN producers surveyed. Of the respondents, 52% did so electronically. Program ear tags moved to online sales in 2019 and 98% of respondents found ordering online convenient. These results would indicate that the use of technology is an increasing component in the cattle industry by producers and leading the way to the development of more tech related tools. Smaller operations marketing 50 or fewer head (72%) are utilizing preconditioning programs the greatest. Still, the biggest challenge reported by producers preconditioning calves was the expense (59%) associated followed by availability of labor (22%) and facilities (13.5%). Thirty-two percent of respondents indicated 5% or less morbidity rate, and 13% of respondents experienced 10% or less mortality rate. Thirty-three percent of producers estimated 1lb. or less ADG. Developing resources concerning the costliest components of preconditioning may be most crucial and beneficial to the producer to achieve a successful program.

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