
Physics learning is part of natural science lessons to develop the ability to understand concepts, principles, and laws in solving problems related to natural events. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is a new approach in the development of the world of education that integrates more than one scientific discipline. Development of teaching materials physics handouts using the STEM approach developed are assumed by integrating the four components of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics that are able to produce students’thinking activities that are useful to help raise students’ critical thinking characterized by problem solving, decision making, analyzing assumptions, evaluating, and conducting investigations to overcome the problems of learning Physics of students. This research is a descriptive study conducted through direct observation at Senior High School (SMAN 4 Padang). The research sample was students of 11th grade. The instruments used were questionnaires and interview sheets. Needs analysis of physics handouts based on the STEM approach includes analysis of students, analysis of teaching materials and analysis of learning activities. Based on data analysis of material teaching using the Likert scale, the results obtained 62.83%. Therefore need to be developed in the form of STEM-based physics handouts for 11th grade of senior high school

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