ABSTRACT Currently there are extensive modeling and measurement capabilities for the region extending from 100 ft above sea surface to space, but few such capabilities exist for the region ex tending up to 10 ft above the sea surface. By measuring and characterizing conditions in the mari ne boundary layer existing be low 30 ft above the sea surface such as turbulence and extinction, the optical communication capabilities of maritime vessels when op erating at or near the surface may be extended and enhanced. Key physical parameters such as absorption, scattering, and turbulence strength ( C n2 ) along the propagation path have a degree of variability on meteorological conditions as well optical wavelength. Modeling of the atmospheric environment is thus critical in order to generate a good understanding of optical propagation through the atmosphere. NUWC is utilizing software provided by MZA to model C n2 and resultant beam propagation characteristics through the near-marine boundary layer. We are developi ng the capability of near-marine boundary layer atmospheric and turbulence measurements and modeling as well as optical la ser link testing at outdoor test sites. Measurements are performed with optical laser links (e.g., bit rate error), scintillometer, and particle image velocimetry (PIV) cameras, while turbulence and propagation modeling is achieved using MODTRAN5, ATMTools, NSLOT, LEEDR, and WaveTrain modeling and simulation code. By better understanding the effects of turbulence on optical transmission in the near-marine boundary layer through modeling and experimental measurements, measures can be implemented to reduce the bit error rate and increase data throughput, enabling more efficient and accurate communication link capabilities. Keywords: Free-space optics, marine boundary layer, communication networks, turbulence, MODTRAN
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