
We prove that the construction of motivic nearby cycles, introduced by Jan Denef and Francois Loeser, is compatible with the formalism of nearby motives, developed by Joseph Ayoub. Let $$k$$ be an arbitrary field of characteristic zero, and let $$X$$ be a smooth quasi-projective $$k$$ -scheme. Precisely, we show that, in the Grothendieck group of constructible etale motives, the image of the nearby motive associated with a flat morphism of $$k$$ -schemes $$f:X\rightarrow \mathbb A ^1_k$$ , in the sense of Ayoub’s theory, can be identified with the image of Denef and Loeser’s motivic nearby cycles associated with $$f$$ . In particular, it provides a realization of the motivic Milnor fiber of $$f$$ in the “non-virtual” motivic world.

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