
Before forming the union and being declared Khan on Khalkha Steppe in 1206, the four tribes which Chinggis or Temujin subdued in consequence of long toils were Kereyit, Naiman, Merkit and Tatar tribes. Scientific Circle, unfortunately, is not still unanimous about the ethnical involvement of these tribes or which language they spoke in the period of Хамаг Монголын ханлиг. But, particularly, most names of Kereyit and Naiman tribes which are placed in Монголын нууц товчоо (“The Secret History of the Mongols”), Jāmiʿal-tawārīkh, Tārīkh-i Jahāngushāy and Chinese sources (such as Yuanshi) can only be explained through Turkish. Most competent biographies written about the period of Chinggis Khan (like the work of Paul Ratchnesky) are inclined to accept that the native languages of these two tribes are Turkish. However, it is not explicit how Kiyat tribe could communicate with these tribes mutually. Japanese Murayama Shichiro 村山 七郎 who is the one of the most important scientists in the fields of Altaic languages and comparative linguistic, studied in Germany and additionally worked under the supervision of the famous philolog and Mongolist Nikolai Poppe brings strong arguments against the hypotheses regarding Naimans as with Mongol language and defends that Naimans spoke Turkish.

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