
List of Abbreviations - Foreword Admiral of the Fleet Sir Julian Oswald - Notes on the Contributors - Introduction N.A.M.Rodger - Parameters of Power: the US Navy in the Twentieth Century G.W.Baer - Luxury Fleet? The Seapower of (Soviet) Russia G.Till - Imperial Germany and the Importance of Seapower M.Epkenhans - The Opportunities of Technology: British and French Strategies in the Pacific, 1905-1909 N.A.Lambert - French Naval Strategy: A Naval Power in a Continental Perspective H.Coutau-Begarie - The Indispensable Navy: Italy as a Great Power, 1911-43 J.J.Sadkovich - Japan and Seapower I.Nish - German Naval Power in the First and Second World War W.Rahn - Confusions and Constraints: the Navy and British Defence Planning between the Wars, 1919-39 D.A.Baugh - The Influence of History in Seapower: the Royal Navy in the Second World War C.Barnett - Wings over the Sea: the Interaction of Air and Sea Power in the Mediterranean, 1940-42 M.Simpson - Seizing the Initiative: the Arctic Convoys 1944-45 A.D.Lambert - Blockade and the Royal Navy D.Brown - Decolonization and Coastal Operations in the East Indies, 1945-58 G.Teitler - The Canadian Experience of Seapower A.Douglas - Imperial Jetsam or National Guardians? The Navies of the Indian Sub-Continent, 1947-72 J.Goldrick - British Naval Planning post-1945 J.R.Hill - Partnership Spurned: The Royal Navy's Search for a Joint Maritime-Air Strategy East of Suez, 1961-63 E.Grove - American Naval Strategy in the Era of World War Three: an Inquiry into the Structure and Process of General War at Sea, 1945-90 D.A.Rosenberg - Index

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