
In the works of St. Mark the Ascetic, the notion of virtue exists onthree levels: 1) theological-speculative, 2) anthropological-axiological and3) ascetic-practical. On the theological-speculative level, Mark shares hisreflections on virtue in the treatise De lege spirituali. In this case, he speaksabout God as the source of virtues and about the fact that the natureof virtue remains one, but it differs in its practical implementation. Theanthropological-axiological level of virtue is discussed by St. Mark in Justif.24 and Bapt. IX 78-79. In this case, we can see the author’s striving toemphasize the role of God and his grace in the work of human salvation. Salvation is seen as an action that transcends human nature, and virtueremains a natural state of man, a state that is in turn not possible withoutthe help of God’s grace. The ascetic-practical level is related to looking atvirtue in the context of prayer. Prayer is a mediator between God and man.Through it, man receives the grace that generates virtue in him, that is whyit can be called “mother of virtues”.

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