
At a council meeting in 1985 of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, a discussion took place on the monographs of Professor A. M. Kovalev entitled Dialectics of the Mode of Production of the Life of Society [Dialektika sposoba proizvodstva obshchestvennoi zhizni] (Moscow, 1982) and Socialism and the Laws of Social Development [Sotsializm i zakonomernosti obshchestvennogo razvitiia] (Moscow, 1983). The dean of the faculty and chairman of the council, Professor A. D. Kosichev, said that the work schedule of the faculty provided for discussion of current philosophical publications. This is important both for raising the intellectual and scholarly level of teaching and for the scholarly investigations themselves. The party committee of Moscow State University directed the attention of the faculty during the report of the Department of Scientific Communism to the necessity for an active discussion of the scholarly output of instructors in the faculty. The discussion of A. M. Kovalev's books, o...

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