
Az groeninge hospital is located in an extensive nature domain. With the 'nature on prescription' project, the hospital brings patients, visitors, employees, and residents closer to nature. And to each other.
 The project is a collaboration with the city of Kortrijk, Doerak, Intercommunale Leiedal, Natuurpunt, Stadlandschap Leie en Schelde, Province of West-Flanders and Agency for Nature and Forest.
 It has been proven: nature has an important influence on our health. Fifteen minutes of nature a day is enough to lower the stress hormone cortisol. Depressive feelings are also reduced if you get out into nature. In addition, exercise in green spaces stimulates social interaction with others.
 This project ensures that the urban green reserve Marionettes, the Kennedy forest and the green area around the hospital can maximize their added value for visitors, patients, employees, and the local community. Doctors can prescribe a walk in nature. Waiting during consultations takes less time if you can get outside for a moment.
 Nature in your neighborhood. Something for everyone
 Az groeninge's garden is split into different zones with various thematic corners. The area around Zibi's tree house - a therapy room for children - is a zone where biodiversity is encouraged by smart mowing management. Other areas of grass remain untouched so that nature can take its course.
 Attached to the House of Movement are an orchard and a meadow where donkeys are at home. Animals are often a good distraction and are also used during therapy sessions. Care greenery in the context of therapy works on the state of mind. Patients find peace and distraction.
 Employees of az groeninge who are also beekeepers take care of bees in the bee hotel in their spare time. Those bees also provide delicious az groeninge honey.
 A visit to the hospital is often an unpleasant experience for children. An obstacle course is set up in the courtyard, we have a climbing wall adapted for children and the educational center "Doerak" near the hospital organizes various activities.
 The Koesterplek
 From the rainbow garden with all kinds of ecologically grown flowers, a path leads to the place where we cherish our lost ones. Here people can retreat into nature to remember someone. People can leave a message in a locked mailbox or hang a name disc in the tree as a voice of remembrance.
 Theme routes
 Through an app or the website, people can also follow a number of interactive routes around different themes such as stress reduction and children's yoga.
 Everyone Welcome
 Through integrated cooperation with different partners, we have succeeded in connecting people with nature and with each other: not only patients, visitors, and employees from the neighborhood but also residents from the region are welcome. Each partner has placed accents in the project from its own core business. Care, nature conservation, education and experience go hand in hand.
 Nature is good for body and mind. With "nature by prescription" we open the door to our gardens. Everyone is always welcome! Even without a prescription.

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