
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is highly prevalent endocrine-metabolic disorder characterised by polycystic ovaries, chronic an ovulation and hyperandrogenism leading to syndromes of menstrual irregularity, infertility and hirsutism. Many plants are the highly esteemed sources which have the advantages to reduce PCOS and also having hypoglycemic and anti-obesity effect. Treatment of PCOS using synthetic drugs is effective, but in cases of PCOS patients attracted towards natural remedies due to effective therapeutic effects with natural drugs. Therefore, this review prevails the role of different herbs like Chaste tree berry, Fennel, Liquorice, Spearmint, Coconut oil, Pomegranate, Cinnamon, Aloe vera, Asian ginseng, Black cohosh, Anise, Fenugreek, Ginger, Maitake Mushroom, Date palm, Hazelnut, Bamboo, Green Tea, Raspberry, White horehound and Soyabean. A review of literature showed that plants such as aloevera and chamomile improve fertility by increasing the number of ovarian follicles. Besides, vitex agnus-castus and octane reduce hirsutism by reducing testosterone and androgen levels. It has also shown that liquorice, ginseng, cinnamon and D-Chiro inositol improve the adverse effects on diabetes caused by PCOS lowering lipid and blood glucose levels. Moreover, stachys changing endometrial tissue parameters in PCOS by reducing oestrogen and hyperplasia. In this review, some of the familiar medicinal plants and their bioactive extract which plays a crucial role in treatment or prophylaxis of PCOS are summarized. It is concluded that the easily available beneficial herbs along with the lifestyle management is much effective of PCOS than allopathic treatment.

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