
Indoor radon has been recognised as one of the health hazards for mankind especially when the uranium rich material lies close to the surface of the earth. Wide spread uranium mineralization is associated with copper, nickel and other sulphides in the Singhbhum shear zone developed at the northern margin of the Singhbhum craton in the state of Jharkhand of India. Emanation of radon an α-active inert gas is associated with the presence of uranium in ground whose concentration varies with specific sites and geological materials. Measurements of radon exhalation rate in rock samples from Surda copper mine area have been carried out. Can technique using LR-115 type II plastic track detector has been used for measurements. Uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations have been measured through low level gamma ray spectroscopy. Uranium concentration (activity) is found to vary from 135.8 to 4607.8 Bq/ kg whereas the exhalation rate lies in the range 0.26 to 1.15 Bq m −2 h −1 . Overall a positive correlation has been found between uranium concentration and radon exhalation rates. Results are compared with our earlier measurements in other mines regions of the Singhbhum shear zone. This area has the lowest uranium concentration and radon exhalation rate.

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