
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers are useful for various tasks such as state preparation and variational quantum algorithms. However, the non-Euclidean quantum geometry of parameterized quantum circuits is detrimental for these applications. Here we introduce the natural parameterized quantum circuit (NPQC) that can be initialized with a Euclidean quantum geometry. The initial training of variational quantum algorithms is substantially sped up as the gradient is equivalent to the quantum natural gradient. Further, we show how to estimate the parameters of the NPQC by sampling the circuit, which could be used for benchmarking or calibrating NISQ hardware. For a general class of quantum circuits, the NPQC has the minimal quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound, which highlights its potential for quantum metrology. Finally, we show how to generate arbitrary superpositions of two states with the NPQCs for state preparation tasks. Our results can be used to enhance currently available quantum processors.

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