
Introduction. The study of national and lingual picture of the world remains topical for linguistic studies. This kind of investigation involves the integrated, systematic approach to the analysis of language phenomena, taking into account the data of various branches of knowledge (history, sociology, cultural studies, religious studies, ethnography), carried out inthe context of anthropocentric facet. National-cultural component reflects the specific of the Turkish worldview. The problems of maintenance of the nationally cultural component (national and cultural specifics, connotation, differences in the word associations etc.) are investigated.Purpose. The paper aims at analyzing the specific features of the national-cultural components in Turkish lingual picture of the world actualized in the Ukrainian linguocultural space.Methods. The given research is based on the descriptive method, which includes observation, generalization, and typology of the factual material, a contrastive analysis.Results. Author’s definition of “national and cultural components” is given. The main lexical-thematic groups with national-cultural component of the Turkish lingual picture of the world and of the Ukrainian language picture of the world are determined. The variants of their translation into the Ukrainian language are interpreted. The level of openness of thesethematic groups to substitutions is determined.Conclusion. The Turkish and Ukrainian lingual pictures of the world are not isomorphic due to many reasons (extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors). There are many thematic groups with the national-cultural information (religion, traditions, clothes, meals and drinks, musical instruments, dances, games etc.). The level of openness of these thematic groups to substitutions is very different according to the national and cultural information, intentions of the translator.The translator must preserve the specifics of another cultural space without overloading the text by unrecognizable to the Ukrainian reader realities and without changing the register of the narrative.

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