
A large number of people particularly the women and the children are being trafficked and smuggled to many countries including India and Malaysia by some organized gangs of human traffickers every year. Human Trafficking causes huge suffering to victims of trafficking ignoring and violating human right values and provoking the victims giving false statements. A trend of human trafficking is increasing day by day in various forms like the sexual exploitation, forced labor, begging, delinquency and adoption, on the other hand, poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, ignorance, drug addiction, cross border trade, dowry, child marriage and social curses have so far been identified as the main reasons behind human trafficking. Terming the human trafficking is the heinous crime. It should be emphasized on creating much awareness to vulnerable people specially those are interested to go to abroad as workers, access to need base information and pre-departure orientation along with bringing the recruitment agencies under proper sensitization program, more legal aid farms should come ahead to support the victims legally for compensation from convicted people in this sector. It should be principal agendum to the SAARC country to form Joint Naval and Coast Guards for stopping human trafficking by sea. This article focuses on some cases and recommendations to upgrade the situation.

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