
In May 2018, the President of the Russian Federation disclosed national development goals of Russia, for the achievement of which a set of measures and tools was proposed, the central place in which was occupied by national projects. The events of 2020, primarily related to the pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 and the elimination of the negative socio-economic consequences of its spread, have become a serious test for the country. The termination or restriction of the work of numerous enterprises and organizations and even entire industries, the introduction of the mandatory self-isolation regime for citizens, the fall in oil prices, economic recession due to the decrease in both demand and supply are only part of the problems that required a prompt solution. The reallocation of resources and the allocation of additional funds to mobilize the health care system to ensure its readiness, to implement a package of anti-crisis measures in order to support business and the population have led to the need to revise previous plans. The article provides an overview of the most significant changes in updating national development goals, strategic documents, developing (adjusting) sets of measures, tools and measures aimed at achieving them, made in 2020 and expected to be implemented in 2021. The authors substantively examined from the standpoint of conceptual changes the provisions of the new Presidential Decree on national development goals, the modified unified plan for their achievement, modernized passports of national and federal projects that are part of them, many of which underwent serious structural changes to strengthen the specification of the impact area.

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